The Zunzun, also known as the Bee Hummingbird ((Mellisuga Helenae), is the smallest bird in the world and native to Cuba.  It is often regarded as a symbol of love and matters of the heart and has mythological associations throughout the region.  

ZUNZUN MUNDI, “the world of Zunzun” , is a reference to “Zunzun: the Online Journal of Latin American, Latino/a and Luso-Hispanic Arts and Letters” (forthcoming in the fall of 2010).   In this “world of the smallest of birds”. where we hope our journal will find further expression, we invite Latin Americans, Latinos/as, Spanish and Portuguese speakers everywhere and their friends, to share their ideas and creative efforts around the themes that are explored in Zunzun.  We  begin our conversation with a reflection on the topic of the journal’s first issue:  HOME. “Home, Sweet Home/Hogar Dulce Hogar”.

A word about ZM, your blog editor and principal blogger:  I was born in Latin America and immigrated to the United States, where I still reside, shortly after turning thirteen. That was several decades ago. I make my living as an academic , have traveled widely in Latin America, Europe and Asia and in the inner worlds one sometimes reaches through a regular practice of meditation.  It is my personal wish and intention to create a space that is simple, beautiful and uplifting, a place where we can meet each other to celebrate the very best of ourselves.  Welcome to Zunzun Mundi!

With warm regards,